
Sister, find your soul

Here at the Sister Sanctuary UK, the aim is for oneness; a place where women are free to express themselves without fear or judgement.

It is asked with the upmost respect by the sanctuary that each sister is allowed to share her own individuality, journey & choice in life without prejudice.
Behind the scenes there is a continual journey of growth so each & every sister can learn how to live their best life:
💪🏿tough times
😥lacking motivation
💛learning of a new illness & looking for alternative ways to heal
💛family feuds
Not forgetting...
💛emotions/physical pain
😉emotions, you know, for no particular reason... Just because 😊 😂
😊vibrational shifts as we follow our individual pathways as well as our SS journey
Add to that ...
😑the solar/sun/moon movements
😑 broken washing machines.
🙈burst pipes
💛house/business moves
The insurmountable passion & love over-rides all the Negative Nellies & sisters sincerely feel blessed to have found one another. Many sisters find reciprocated love, laughter, fun & trust in each other.
Sooooo..... come & join an exciting, healing journey with the Sister Sanctuary & find hope for your future.😁
P.S: Join our Facebook Group!

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